Swimming pools

Lite-House and partners have supplied the first ever floating swimming pool built in GRP sandwich to Arendal Guest Harbor. The pool measures 25 x 10 meters, and has a capacity of up to 60 persons at a time.
The pool is floating with 0,5 m freeboard, which will give the visitors a feel of swimming in the ocean itself. The main difference is that the water has a perfect temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, and there is no risk of any jellyfish.
The pool is built up in modules, and for later deliveries the size can be adjusted to fit every clients needs. It is also designed for allowing a sliding roof to be mounted at a later stage, if there should be a wish to offer all-year service.
The pool is built as a «plug-and-play unit, where all technical systems for a safe operation is integrated with the pool. The only connections to shore are power, fresh water and sewage. The pool is moored to the seabed by 8 mooring lines. A floating shower/changing room module is placed adjacent to the pool.
Our standard swimming pool moving forward has been increased in width and depth compared to the prototype, so that it now measures 25 x 12,5 x 1,6 m (L x W x D). The pool is further prepared for all-year operation, with proper insulation towards the surrounding water, an upgraded cover to reduce evaporation outside opening hours, heated walkways for safety and comfort, and preparations for smart heating solutions such as seawater based heat exchangers.
You can download our product sheet here:

Our swimming pools can be tailor made according to our client’s preferences when it comes to size, surface deck and outfitting. Some examples from our pool configurator are shown below.